I've never really been one of those people that uses gift bags, because I love giving a gift wrapped with beautiful ribbons and paper. In my humble opinion, Hobby Lobby has some of the most affordable and highest quality gift wrapping paper around (especially at Christmas time). Or for you local Sioux Falls folks, Zanderbroz Variety located downtown has some really neat wrapping paper too :)
But, just recently, I've changed up my gift wrapping techiques. In early April, I was pressed for time to wrap a baby shower gift. As I headed for the expensive gift bag/wrapping aisle in Toysrus, I passed a display of re-usable shopping bags and thought-- A HA--- I'll wrap the gift in a reusable shopping bag! It turned out ADORABLE. I have been wrapping our gifts this way ever since. I am finding it more affordable, "green", practical, unique and cute!
Since graduation and wedding season is upon us, I thought it would be the perfect time to pass along this tip!

Here's a couple of gifts I "wrapped" in resuable bags from TJ Maxx today.
Great idea! I love this. This adds a whole new dimension to my Christmas wrapping. Now I think I'll be collecting reusable bags throughout the year to use at Christmas time.